Part Time
18 Months
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Part Time
18 Months
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As a Customer Service Specialist Apprentice at Level 3, you will deepen your expertise in handling complex or technical customer requests, complaints, and queries. This course will prepare you to become a key referral point for your team, capable of resolving challenging or ongoing customer issues and providing expert knowledge of your organisation’s products and services. You’ll learn to gather and analyse customer data to drive service improvements and develop proficiency in using various IT systems essential for your role. This apprenticeship will equip you with the skills needed to excel in a demanding customer service environment.
Throughout the Customer Service Specialist Apprenticeship Level 3, you will engage in a comprehensive set of modules designed to enhance your skills and knowledge. You'll develop a deep business knowledge and understanding to align your work with your organisation's goals. You'll explore the customer journey, gaining insight into every stage of the customer experience, and build customer insight to better understand customer needs and behaviours.
You will cultivate an awareness of customer service culture and environment to adapt your approach to different scenarios and ensure business-focused service delivery that meets organisational objectives.
You'll learn how to consistently provide a positive customer experience and identify opportunities for service improvement to drive continuous growth. Additionally, you will enhance your ability to work effectively within a team, contributing to a collaborative and successful customer service environment.
To ensure completion of this qualification, you will need to be working in a relevant role with access to project work.
Level 2 English and Maths are required for this apprenticeship. Apprentices without English and mathematics at level 2, must achieve level 2 prior to taking their EPA.
We will assess your level of English and mathematics before you start the qualification, and you will need to be working at a level 1 standard to be accepted onto the apprenticeship.
This apprenticeship can be started at any time, and you will meet with your assessor at least once a month either at your workplace or remotely on Teams.
As an Apprentice, you will pay no course fees. However, your employer may have to pay towards your training as well as providing you with a wage (please see below).
For information regarding employer contributions and any further costs related to the Apprenticeship programme, please call our dedicated Apprenticeship team on 01205 365701 ext 3248.
There are different rates of pay for apprentices depending on your age and what year of your apprenticeship you’re in.
Aged 16 to 18.The current National Minimum Wage rate for an apprentice is £5.28 per hour.
Aged 19 or over and in your first year.The current National Minimum Wage rate for an apprentice is £5.28 per hour.
Aged 19 or over and have completed your first year.You’re entitled to the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage rate for your age.
If you are an employer and want to find out more information regarding employer contributions and any further costs related to the Apprenticeship programme, please call our dedicated Apprenticeship team on 01205 365701 ext. 3248.
You will be assigned an assessor who will observe your practice in your setting throughout the duration of your course, your assessor will offer support and guidance and will use a variety of assessment methods to help you achieve the requirements of the qualification and standard.
When yourself, employer and your assessor feel you are ready you will be put forward for the End Point Assessment which will be carried out independently.
Successful completion of the course will lead to a better understanding of the subject, possible career progression and you could also progress onto other qualifications in this field.
To apply for a course, you will need to have an account with us!
Creating an account is easy, just click ‘Apply for this course’ below.