Progress towards much more than just a qualification at Boston College
Once enrolled at Boston College, you will engage in a study programme which is focused on developing your knowledge, skills and behaviours, for either going on into employment, continuing your studies or progressing to a higher level course, such as a degree.
Study programmes are personalised full time study packages, available for students aged 16-18 years old and are made up of four main parts:
1. Main Qualification
This is the course you have chosen to study, such as a Diploma, T Level or a set of A Levels. Boston College has a wide range of courses available for you to choose from to meet your own personal interests.
2. Work Experience
As a central part of your study programme, you will complete a work experience placement, for an average of 30 hours, which is relevant to your course and overall career aspirations.
Work experience is an ideal opportunity for you to connect with employers and explore what it is like to work in your chosen sector. The College engages with multi-national and local employers, with some students even progressing into paid employment and apprenticeships as a direct result of their work experience placement.
By completing work experience you will:
- Be given the opportunity to apply the knowledge you have been acquiring in College to the workplace.
- Gain an appreciation of work attitudes and an understanding of the difference between College and work.
- In some cases experience the application and selection process of gaining a job.
- Gain invaluable employment skills, such as communication, team work, time management and customer service, which you can use to enhance your CV.
Industry Placements - If you are studying a Level 3 course you will also have the opportunity to take part in a long term work experience placement. The placement must be relevant and meaningful for the study programme that you are on and will usually last an average of 315 hours over two years of year.
3. English and Maths
Boston College understand the importance of English and Maths in all aspects of your life, including the workplace. If you do not already hold a GCSE grade 4 or above (C or above) in these subjects, you will be required to attend additional classes. These classes will fit around your full time course commitments and the level at which you will study will depend on your current GCSE grade.
If you have a Grade 2 or below in English or Maths, you can study towards either a PASS in Functional Skills Level 2 or a GCSE 4-9. You will be advised regarding which qualification is most appropriate for you taking account of your current grade in GCSE English and Maths, as well as your planned career path. Once you have achieved either qualification, you will not be required to undertake any further English or Maths.
If you have a Grade 3 in English or Maths, you must study towards a GCSE grade 4-9.
4. Personal Development Opportunities
Enrichment activities such as tutorials, enterprise projects, voluntary work, fundraising, charity work and external trips provide valuable learning beyond your qualification and will help to introduce you to other knowledge, skills and behaviours that you will need for your next steps and future career. These learning activities also help to stand out in the future when applying for university or employment.
All study programme students benefit from a broad enrichment programme which prepares them for success in their next steps and as citizens in Britain.
Studying an Apprenticeship or Traineeship?
If you have chosen to study an apprenticeship or traineeship at Boston College your training programme will consist of the following three aspects; College based delivery (off the job), work-based delivery (on the job) and English and Maths development.