Full Time
One Year
September 2024
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Full Time
One Year
September 2024
The Level 2 Travel and Tourism Diploma is designed to provide you with a variety of skills for the world’s biggest industry, preparing you for satisfying and rewarding employment in the enormous range of occupations in travel and tourism.
This one-year course combines practical and theoretical class work with opportunities to visit tourist attractions and other venues.
During the Level 2 Travel and Tourism Diploma you will study the following units during the year:
Compulsory Units
Optional Units
Your study programme will also include:
Visits to travel and tourism businesses will be part of the course. Some trips and activities are mandatory to enable assessment of some units to be undertaken in a relevant environment.
You will also undertake a period of work experience, which will be extremely useful in preparing you for your next steps in either employment or education.
If you have a Grade 2 or below in English or maths, you can study towards either a PASS in Functional Skills Level 2 or a GCSE grade 4-9. Once you have achieved either qualification, you will not be required to undertake any further English or maths.
Full time 16-19 learner with a Grade 3, must study towards a GCSE grade 4-9.
The entry qualifications for the Level 2 Travel and Tourism Diploma are four GCSEs at grade 3 or above (Old GCSE grade D or above) including English and Maths (or equivalent), plus a good reference and suitable aptitude for the industry.
Successful completion of a Business or Computing Level 1 (or a related course) along with the above English and Maths requirements and satisfactory reference may also be acceptable.
The Travel and Tourism Diploma is free, if you are under the age of 19 on 31 August of the year you start the course.
If you are aged 19+, this course will cost £1500.
Fee remission may apply depending on personal circumstances, please enquire with the Registry Department for further information on 01205 365701 or email your query to fees@boston.ac.uk.
Please note that all fees are subject to change.
Additional costs include buying an atlas, which will be supplied by the College.
You may wish to purchase stationery.
There may also be opportunities for you to attend trips both in England and Abroad, however these depend on availability.
To apply for a course, you will need to have an account with us!
Creating an account is easy, just click ‘Apply for this course’ below.
entry level