College News

Ofsted Inspection Confirmed Continuing High Standards

Ofsted Inspection Confirmed Continuing High StandardsThe inspection team confirmed Boston College’s ‘Good’ status, making the College one of the best performing providers of education in the area. The report concluded that the College, with its Spalding and Boston campuses, has built upon previous inspection performance with aspects of provision described as ‘life-changing’.

There was excellent feedback regarding the College’s Apprenticeship provision, with Ofsted stating, ‘A substantially higher proportion of Apprentices achieve their qualifications than in other providers.’ Ofsted praised the College’s strong links with local employers which ensure that students have access to high quality work experience placements and real world projects, whatever their field of study.

Inspectors also praised Boston College staff, saying that they ‘Prepare learners extremely well for the workplace’, adding that ‘The focus on competition work helps learners and Apprentices to aspire to be excellent rather than merely competent.’

The inspection results were backed up by the College’s continued success of students progressing into employment and on to higher levels of study. The inspectors made particular reference to the high quality careers service, saying, ‘Learners have access to high quality careers, information, advice and guidance.’

Principal and CEO, Jo Maher confirmed, “The College is in a strong position looking to the future, with ambitious plans for the further development of its high quality qualifications, including A levels and technical education. Investment is planned for new facilities with a particular focus on STEM, university level courses and Apprenticeships, particularly at the Spalding Campus, which will allow us to continue to build on this excellent result.”

Fiona Grady, Vice Principal – Curriculum and Quality says, “We are delighted that Ofsted inspectors recognise that not only have we maintained our status as a ‘Good’ college, but have continued to strive for excellence. Inspectors noted that we have extremely high expectations of our staff and we know that their dedication, professionalism and caring attitudes are the reasons students enjoy Boston College and achieve their goals.”

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