Full Time
One Year
September 2024
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Full Time
One Year
September 2024
The Level 2 Motor Vehicle Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair IMI Diploma builds on the Level 1 Motor Vehicle Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair IMI Diploma and provides you with the knowledge of light vehicle technology and the skills in removal and refitting of components.
Customer Service Skills is built in as part of the course providing the skills required to support customers and staff and broaden future career opportunities.
The Level 2 Motor Vehicle Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair IMI Diploma is delivered theory and practical workshops, covering health, safety and good housekeeping activities, job roles within the automotive industry, materials and fabrication and knowledge in the following subjects:
You will be given the opportunity to take part in educational visits to leading motor manufacture organisations, museums and international shows. This will give the learner a greater prospective of future career and progression opportunities.
In addition to the main qualification, you will study:
Delivery of the qualification is supplemented by visits to museums and shows, this helps broaden your perspective of progression opportunities following successful completion of the course.
The course is a great mix of both theory and practical, allowing you time in our workshops and classrooms to experience the world of Engineering. You will also develop your skills for employment, looking at different careers and engineering employers.
In addition to your course, you may also need to study either Functional Skills or GCSE English and Maths, dependent on your GCSE grades.
The Motor Vehicle Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair IMI Diploma is free, if you are under the age of 19 on 31 August of the year you start the course.
If you are aged 19+, this course will cost £1500.
Fee remission may apply depending on personal circumstances, please enquire with the Registry Department for further information on 01205 365701 or email your query to fees@boston.ac.uk.
Please note that all fees are subject to change.
To apply for a course, you will need to have an account with us!
Creating an account is easy, just click ‘Apply for this course’ below.
entry level