
Taxi and Cab Drivers and Chauffeurs

Taxi and cab drivers and chauffeurs drive motor cars for private individuals, government departments and industrial and commercial organisations, drive taxis for public hire, drive new cars to delivery points and drive motorcycles and other motor vehicles.

Entry Reqirements

Level 2 NVQ; GCSE at grades A*-C

Typical Tasks

  • Cleans, services and maintains vehicle or motorcycle.
  • Conveys passenger to destination and helps unload luggage.
  • Collects passengers when hailed or in response to telephone/radio message and helps them to secure their luggage.
  • Drives passenger-carrying motor cars, taxis and other motor cars and motorcycles, complying with road and traffic regulations.
  • Checks tyres, brakes, lights, oil, water and fuel levels and general condition of vehicle before start of journey.

Desired Skills

Active Learning, Learning Strategies, Critical Thinking, Active Listening, Speaking, Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Monitoring, Science

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