College News

The VIVIT Experience Brings the Anatomy to Life for Boston College Students

The VIVIT Experience Brings the Anatomy to Life for Boston College StudentsThe VIVIT experience was a fantastic opportunity, which gave the students a chance to get hands on and see the dissection of the human anatomy.

The VIVIT experience was hosted at Boston College’s Peter Paine Performance Centre and delivered by clinically trained and highly qualified presenters providing students a journey through the human body like never seen before. Split into sessions, more than 100 students from both Boston Grammar School and Boston High School participated alongside Boston College’s Health and Social Care, Science and Sport learners in discovering more about the body we live in.

The core programme of the experience was developed to meet the requirements set by national examining bodies and covered a variety of areas including the human anatomy, the cranial cavity and abdominal cavity. Using the anatomy of a spent swine, which is identical in size and shape to that of a human, the experience is as close to the real thing as many of the learners will get. The day incorporated a variety of exciting demonstrations and hands on practical sessions all backed up by theory and discussions on real life cases.

One of Boston College’s Level 3 Medical Science learners, Annalise Boothby, who has a keen interest in studying the human body said, “This experience has definitely helped with my studies. It has been very insightful and has been a great opportunity to further develop my knowledge of the human anatomy. Getting hands on and seeing everything in person has helped so much more than just looking at images on paper and learning the theory.”

Boston College’s Programme Area Manager for Science and Animal Care, Vicky Booth, said, “It has been a very positive learning experience. The learners enjoyed finding out how the body works with a more hands on approach and it was a unique way of linking the theory from the classroom to a practical situation.”

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