A Pivotal Moment in the Fight against Climate Change
In support of COP26 this November, Boston College has launched its climate action commitments against the ever-growing threat of permanent Climate Change.
For the past three decades, the UN have been bringing together almost every country on earth for global climate summits, called Conference of the Parties (COPs). During that time Climate Change has gone from being a fringed issue to now a global priority – with COP26 having a unique urgency.
Held in Glasgow, COP26 will build on and update those agreements made in Paris at COP21. During COP21, countries committed to bringing forward national plans setting out how much they would reduce their emissions with the overall aim of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. Five years later, the commitments agreed in Paris have not come close to limiting global warming, and the window to achieve this is closing with irreversible climate changes expected by 2030. COP26, will focus on four goals; secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach, adapt to protect communities and natural habitats, mobilise finance, and work together to deliver these plans.
As well as COP26, COY16, the United Nations Climate Change Conference of Youth, is taking place.COY16 serves as a space for capacity building and policy training, in order to prepare young people for their participation at COP and their life as local and international Climate Advocates.
Boston College, like all educational institutes has a responsibility to highlight and address current climate change issues and commit to positive initiatives to help stop the process. The College’s Climate Action webpage highlights current commitments by the College including, zero waste to landfill, electric vehicle charging stations for staff and students, as well as introducing Hybrid and Electric Vehicle safety training for the local community, converting to high efficiency lighting, starting the process to becoming plastic free and making sure all new build projects are energy efficient. The page will be continually updated with the College’s ongoing commitments and upcoming events.
Speaking of Boston College’s Climate Action commitments, Richard Chambers, Head of Projects said, “COP26 has been heralded as the last chance for world leaders to commit to reducing the impact of Climate Change. There is no question that our actions are having a negative impact on the planet and the evidence is clear with the weather extremes that we have seen in the world during 2021. We cannot put off change any longer and I would encourage everybody to reduce their carbon footprint where possible and influence our leaders to make decisive decisions for further generations.”
For more information on the commitments Boston College have already put in place, visit the ‘Climate Action‘ page.