
Counselling Skills Diploma Level 3

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    One Year

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    September 2025


The Level 3 CACHE Diploma in Counselling Skills aims to provide you with an in-depth knowledge of the use of counselling skills in everyday life and work, as well as approaches that underpin the use of these skills.

The Counselling Skills Diploma is taught by a qualified and experienced Counsellor.

Upon successful completion of this course, the qualification you will achieve is the NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills.

What will I do?

The Level 3 Counselling Skills Diploma is made up of five mandatory units:

  • Developing Counselling Skills
  • Theoretical Approaches to Counselling
  • Working Ethically with Counselling Skills
  • Counselling Skills and Diversity
  • Counselling Skills and Personal Development

The entry qualifications for the Level 3 Counselling Skills Diploma are a Level 2 Counselling Skills Certificate.

The Level 3 Counselling Skills Diploma will take you one year to complete. You will attend our Boston Campus (Rochford) .

You will also be required to study at home.

The Level 3 Counselling Skills Diploma is free, if you are under the age of 19 on 31 August of the year you start the course.

Aged 19+

This course will cost £2225.

You may be eligible to study this course for FREE should you be eligible under one of the following criteria:

  • Aged 19 or over, and earning less than £25,000
  • Aged 19 or over, and currently unemployed and receiving JSA, ESA or Universal Credit
  • Aged 19 or over and do not currently hold a Level 3 qualification

Alternatively, you may qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan to help with your College fees. If you progress to employment you won't have to pay anything back until you’re earning £25,000 per year. Your household income isn't taken into account and there's no credit check. Your eligibility depends on your course, nationality, and age. To find out more contact the College Information Line on 01205 313218.

Please note that all fees are subject to change.

You will be assessed through an evidence based portfolio.

Successful completion of the Level 3 Counselling Skills Diploma could lead you on to continue your studies on the Level 4 counselling qualifications, providing you the opportunity to become a fully qualified counsellor.

How to Apply.

To apply for a course, you will need to have an account with us!

Creating an account is easy, just click ‘Apply for this course’ below.

You can download our course guide
