
Exam Invigilators

Exam invigilators set up, run and invigilate exams to ensure exams are conducted in line with the relevant regulations.

Entry Reqirements

Level 2 NVQ; GCSE at grades A*-C

Typical Tasks

  • Escorts people from the venue following the exam and collects completed papers.
  • Supervises during exams, responds to any problems or questions from candidates and deals with any violations of the exam conditions.
  • Directs candidates to their seats, checks attendance, and informs candidates of the exam conditions they will work under.
  • Sets up venue, lays out desks, exam papers, stationery and other equipment necessary for the exam.

Desired Skills

Monitoring, Reading Comprehension, Active Listening, Writing, Critical Thinking, Learning Strategies, Active Learning, Speaking, Mathematics, Science

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